General performance

Thermal Transmittance With glass Ug = 1.0 (hot interc.) dim. 3000 x 2300 mm Uw = 1.40 W/m2K
Air Permeability Dim. 3300 x 2300 mm Class 4
Water Tightness Dim. 3300 x 2300 mm E1350
Wind Load Resistance Dim. 3300 x 2300 mm C4
Acoustic Insulation Dim. 2400 x 2100 mm 42 dB

Basic system dimensions

2-Track Frame section 160 mm
3-Track Frame section 247 mm
Leaf 67 mm
Frame/Leaf Overlap 7.5 mm
Wall Stopper Flange 19 mm
Glass Stopper Flange 26 mm
Central Node Gap (4 and 6 leaves) 5 mm

Technical characteristics

Extruded Profiles Alloy 6060 (UNI 9006/1)
Dimensional Tolerances and Thicknesses UNI EN 12020-02
Air, Water, Wind Seal Type Sliding Seals
Thermal Break Made with two continuous polyamide rods reinforced with fiberglass
Assembly 45° Frame and Leaf
Glass Applications Squared or Rounded Glazing Beads
Glass Chamber Variable according to the glazing beads used